Play it here
1. Look at the Bed on Bottom-Middle of screen. Click on the Bottom-part of the White Bed Sheet, at the Right-side part of the Bed, to get a PIECE OF CLOTH (click on Left-side of Bed Sheet, to get Bell - Unnecessary)!
2. Look at the Right-Side of Bed, on Bottom-part of screen. You can see a Toilet! Click on the Flush (Just above the Toilet Seat), and then quickly click in the Middle of Toilet Seat, to zoom in. Quickly, take the NUT in the Middle before it vanishes (if you fail, do the same again) - Zoom out!
3. Click on Mirror, above the Toilet, to get a PIECE OF GLASS! Move Right, and look near Top-Left of Game Screen. You can see 2 X-Ray Pictures. Click on the Right-Side one, to let yourself know that there is something Shiny inside the Creature on floor, probably a Key!
4. Move Right! Click on Mad Hatter on Right-side, to talk with him! Reply with whatever Answer you want [LOOK NG MEDAL WALKTHROUGH AT BOTTOM - MEDAL #1 AND/OR #2] - once Conversation is over, Move Left!
5. Combine the Piece of Glass with Piece of Cloth, by clicking on either of the Items, and then click on the other one to get a KNIFE! Use the Knife on the Creature on Floor, cut him in the Middle of his Chest! Use the Nut on the Scar you made, to enter. You can see a Big Gut which is really big (It's in the Middle and Right-side). Look at its Bottom-Right side, and you'll notice cracks. Use Knife on several places between Bottom-Middle and Bottom-Right - you'll find the right spot, and crush the Gut! Click on the Eyes inside the Gut, and use Knife on the Worm Monsters Head. Listen to what happens outside (Mad Hatter escapes and kills everyone) - once Music starts playing, you'll automatically be transformed out of the Creatures body (Click on Poster above Creature on Floor, and notice that it's saying that a Button is under Right-side arm of Creature on floor. You can take the Button, but unnecessary)!
6. Move Right, and read Mad Hatters Message for you. You'll get a Negative comment if you replied to him with Bad Words, or you'll get a Positive comment if you replied to him with Compliments! Move Right, and click on Door to enter [LOOK AT NG MEDAL WALKTHROUGH - MEDAL #4]. Click on the Open Door at the end of Right-Side Wall! Move Right, and click on Newspaper, near the Red Arrow that is Pointing to Right-Side - Read the Main Article and notice that Mad Hatter leaves a secret code on his notes, every 2nd Letter! Zoom out, and click on the Light-Blue Note above the Newspaper, on 2nd Level of Shelf on Right-Side. Note that if you take every 2nd Letter from each word except the last one, which is his Signature, you'll get: "MARCH" - zoom out!
7. Click on the Monitor on Left-Side Machine, to zoom in. Type: "UNLOCK MARCH" - a text will appear: "SAFE OPENED" - zoom out! Move Right. Take the PHOTOS/EVIDENCE from inside Safe, and Move Right!
8. Click on the Picture, to hear a man say: "Dr. Raymond Burr was a COWARDLY Man with a BIG HEART, until he LOST all his MONEY" - Click on the Top Red Button, on Right-side of Picture, until the Head turns into Chicken/Hen (Cowardly). Click on Middle Red Button until Chest Pocket changes to a Red Heart (Big Heart). And click on Bottom Red Button until Hands changes to Hands where Right-Side hand is losing a Coin (Lost Money)! Funny Music stars, Machine appears - wait a few seconds and a Purple Door will appear. Click on Door to leave, and then click on the Red Button, near Screen [LOOK AT NG MEDAL WALKTHROUGH - MEDAL #3]!
Medal #1 [HAPPY HATTER] - 25 Points
When you Talk with Mad Hatter [Main Walkthrough, Step #4], always Reply to him with the Positive Responds (The ones on Top, when you choose)Medal #2 [HATTER, MAD] - 25 Points
When you Talk with Mad Hatter [Main Walkthrough, Step #4], always Reply to him with the Negative Responds (The ones on Bottom, when you choose)Medal #3 [SOMETHING FISHY] - 100 Points
Simply Complete the game!Medal #4 [SECRET] - 50 Points
For the secret medal type oystercloud in the terminalFor video walkthrough